US goes to war
Dragged into war
Rossevelt & war
the Philippines
The Japanese plan
Some Questions




Out of WWII

Four policies brought about the second world war. Alone, none could have done it. Even the existence of Two of the policies might not have been enough, by any three of them almost assured the re-opening of hostilities.
In Germany: "Living Room." The belief that land should be made available to those who represented the greatest culture in the world; Germany. Because there was no more land available in Europe this belief went on to say that those who were currently living on needed land and were unworthy of ownership should vacate the land - or be forcibly removed.

Japan: "The greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere." The so called Asia for Asians policy, where by Japan took over territory under the control of European nations, claiming to return it to the native population. In reality, where the natives had lived as less then second class citizens in their own homeland under the Europeans, they lived as slaves under the Japanese.

Europe: "Appeasement." The belief that a democratic nation could not elect a madman as it's leader and that the Great World War was to horrible for anyone to contemplate aggression again.  Many British foresaw the rise of Communism as the real threat to their way of life.  They felt they could use a "reasonable" re-armed Germany as a buffer between Russia and the rest of Europe.  This belief led to the policy of compromise with Hitler and, when faced with the need for great resolve, Europe was found lacking.

America: "Isolationism."  America believed that it was a "world apart" from the troubles of the old world - even further from those of the orient.  Even Charles A. Lindbergh, who had proven the world much smaller then Americans believed it was, refused to admit his own accomplishment.  The "America First" organization worked to eliminate Americas involvement in any foreign conflict.  America declared itself neutral in 1935, effectively making it's foreign policy without teeth.  Germans and the American Nazi Party worked to keep America neutral.  The American Communist Party also worked to keep the U.S. from siding with England and would continue to do so until the day after Hitler attacks Russia.

+ 1934: Japan backed out of the Naval treaty and began to re-arm.

+ 1935: Italy invades Ethiopia. League of Nations does nothing. America adopts Neutrality Legislation.

+ 1936: Civil war in Spain. Dress rehearsal for the land war in Europe. Germany occupies the Rhineland. League of Nations does not act.

+ 1937: Japan invades China. Sinks American Gun Boat in the Yangtze River.

+ 1938: Hitler marches into Austria. Once again he is Appeased.

+ 1939: General War in Europe breaks out, when Germany Attacks Poland.

+ 1940: Germany captures France. Battle of Britain. FDR sends 40 old World War I destroyers to England.

+ 1941: Neutrality Patrol in the North Atlantic, Allowing British ships cover of American Destroyers and Aircraft half Way across the Atlantic. While forcing Germans to either attack American War Ships or operate in a much smaller area.  U.S.S. Ruben James sunk in October. Germany invades Russia. Japan sets attack of Pearl Harbor to be immediately AFTER delivery of declaration of War.  Secretary of State Hull makes Japanese wait in his outer office until he verifies the attack.

    Were we really a peaceful nation who was attack without warning...?

America Goes to War